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Are you a reflex guy? Can you react fast to a change? If so, this game is for you. The clock is ticking away; match the color before it's too late on the clock. Keep in mind, time and tide wait for none! Experience a new take on the classic reflex game. The fun of this game lies in its challenge for your reflexes and how it tests your memory and concentration skills because there are so many colors on each screen! Meet the newest sensation in casual games! This is a color switch game that's perfect for when you're looking to kill some time. The goal of this puzzle game is to stop the clock by tapping on the right-colored part, but watch out because if you miss it, it's game over. It can be hard at first, but your reflexes will become sharper than ever before with practice. The clock will show you color, and it's your job to stop the bar in its corresponding spot on the screen by tapping on it! Keep an eye out for colors changing too quickly, or else you'll have a heart attack from all of that pressure! Time and tide wait for no one, so you better be quick with your fingers. Remember that time is proportional to color match the right colors before it's too late on the clock! This game challenges players to match as many colors as possible within a set amount of time while switching between two colored clocks. Clock Works offers an innovative way to manage your time. It's fast-paced and fun but also challenging enough for any level of gamer! Stop the clock bar in the correct color part of the clock to win each round; if you miss, then it's game over! But don't worry because there are endless levels to keep playing and see how far you can go without making a mistake. This app makes great use of design elements like color contrast, simple graphics, or animation that make gameplay more engaging while still maintaining simplicity so anyone can play. Do you find yourself wasting time on your phone? Then, we've got the perfect game for all of those moments when you're bored and want to have some fun. This is a casual game that will keep you entertained while also helping train your reflexes! The objective here is simple- tap the right color whenever it's matching with its corresponding bar in the clock, or else it's GAME OVER! Of course, you'll need good timing skills to get ahead of this one, so download now and see how well these puzzles work out for you. This game is a casual, infinity puzzle game. It would help if you stopped the clock's color-wise bar by tapping on the right color. Your goal will be to stop the colored bar of the clock in its respective matching part of the screen. If you miss and it goes past your target area, then you lose! So it's time to value your time with this fast change app! You can play as much or as little as you want - but don't worry about losing any progress if there's no internet connection because everything gets saved instantly online once it has been synced up with our servers. You are running out of time to stop the clock's pendulum before it hits your color. Please tap on the right color before it is too late!. This fast-paced puzzle game is perfect for anyone who loves a quick challenge or needs something to do in their spare time. With each level, you will be given three colors and one minute to tap on them as they pass by while avoiding other colors that could ruin your progress or end your turn abruptly. Clock Works: Color Switch Clock features: The unique tone will engage your player and keep you coming back for more. Engaging social game Compete with friends in the most challenging of ways A challenging and engaging game that is easy to play with a high replay value For all ages It's never boring since there are unlimited levels The sound effects make the game more action-packed A fun and engaging game that is challenging to win Uniquely designed to keep you in the moment of the clock ticking Hours of content for a low price on pre-order only Play the game as fast as your fingers can move A new and creative game that is addictive Easy to play with hours of entertainment per session Challenging gameplay for players at all skill levels It's time to value your time. Watch out for the fast change- download now and call yourself the ultimate reflex guy! Time is ticking, so get ready for a game of color switch clock where you have only one chance in every turn. You will be faced with an infinity puzzle that requires quick thinking and sharp fingers. It's simple – tap on colors as they appear on the screen before it's too late, or else this round goes to someone else! So why wait? Download the Color Works Google Store now and enjoy building an infinity puzzle of colorful clocks.



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